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Elder Abuse Litigation Lawyers in Alameda, CA

Protecting Your Loved One from Mistreatment

As we age, we naturally become more dependent on those around us. Family members, caregivers, and staff members often support aging individuals with daily tasks. Unfortunately, elderly adults are at risk of abuse, which can lead to physical and emotional issues. If your loved one has suffered at the hands of a caregiver or family member, you can give them a voice and seek justice with help from our elder abuse attorneys.

Elder abuse laws were made to protect vulnerable individuals from harm. When someone violates those laws by mistreating an elderly person, they must be held accountable for their actions. At Patricia Scott Law, an elder law lawyer on our team can help you advocate for yourself or a loved one after suffering at the hands of someone else.

We understand how difficult this situation can be and are dedicated to getting you the outcome you deserve. To speak to an elder law attorney today, please call our law firm at 510-984-2390.

What is Elder Abuse?

Elder abuse is the mistreatment of aging individuals, typically those over the age of 65. Elder abuse can come in many different forms. In most cases, the abuse is perpetrated by a caregiver or someone in a position of power.

Elder abuse can be any of the following:

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse is any action that causes an elderly person physical pain. It can also include the use of physical restraints. Physical abuse may involve:

  • Assault
  • Battery
  • Unreasonable physical constraint
  • Assault with a deadly weapon
  • Sexual assault
  • Prolonged deprivation of food or water

Financial Abuse

Financial abuse involves coercing, manipulating, or stealing from an elderly person. This type of abuse can be devastating, especially for individuals on a fixed income. Financial abuse happens when someone does the following:

  • Takes or obtains a victim’s personal property
  • Steals money
  • Manipulates the person into giving them money or assets
  • Threatens an elderly person into giving them money or assets

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse is one of the hardest forms of abuse to detect. During emotional abuse, an elderly individual can suffer from a diminished quality of life and deteriorating mental health. Emotional abuse may involve:

  • Yelling or screaming at the victim
  • Threatening to hurt the victim
  • Hiding the victim’s belongings
  • Ignoring the victim
  • Scaring or terrorizing the victim
  • Gaslighting the victim
  • Isolating the victim from family and friends

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is, unfortunately, underreported. Many victims are unable to speak up about what happened, either due to physical or mental disabilities. Sexual abuse can include:

  • Sexual battery
  • Rape
  • Lewd or lascivious acts


Neglect is a form of abuse that is often seen in nursing homes. Nursing home staff are responsible for providing proper care for elderly individuals. When these needs are not met, aging individuals can suffer. Neglect may include:

  • Failure to provide food, clothing, or shelter
  • Failure to assist with personal hygiene
  • Failure to provide necessary medical care
  • Failure to prevent malnutrition or dehydration
  • Failure to protect from health and safety hazards

What Are the Warning Signs of Elder Abuse?

Elder abuse can be hard to spot, especially if your loved one is in a nursing home or assisted living facility. However, there are some telltale signs you can watch for to determine if your family member is being mistreated.

Warning signs of elder abuse include:

  • Unexplained bruises or scratches
  • Blisters or pinch marks
  • Unchanged bed sheets
  • Burn marks
  • Bedsores (from a prolonged lack of movement)
  • Malnourishment or dehydration
  • Lack of adequate supervision
  • Damage to the skin around the genitals
  • Lack of appropriate medical attention
  • Missing belongings or money
  • Fraud or financial exploitation
  • Poor hygiene

All of these signs likely point to your loved one being mistreated in some way. If you’re concerned about your loved one’s health, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team today. We can give you the resources you need to ensure their safety and that the staff or agency is held accountable.

You can report elder abuse by calling the California Department of Adult Protective Services. You can also call emergency services for immediate help.

What Does an Elder Abuse Lawyer Do?

If your loved one has been mistreated, you can seek justice on their behalf. By working with our team, you can open up a civil case to hold the staff members or caregivers liable for their actions.

We will take the following steps:

  • Gather evidence, including photos, witness statements, and medical reports
  • Calculate all your damages
  • Determine how to apply relevant state laws and statutes
  • Demand maximum financial compensation
  • Negotiate with insurance agents and liable parties on your behalf

Victims of elder abuse have many options for seeking compensation. However, the state laws that govern elder abuse cases are complex. We will not stop fighting for your rights until you get the outcome you deserve.

Do I Need an Elder Abuse Attorney?

Discovering that your loved one has been mistreated can be devastating. Unfortunately, elder abuse is a common phenomenon, especially in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. If you or your loved one has been abused, you deserve to seek justice with help from an experienced elder abuse attorney.

Our team is passionate about elder law and protecting vulnerable individuals. We are committed to pursuing your case until the end. To learn more about our services and how we can help you, contact Patricia Scott Law by calling 510-984-2390 today.